Born as the third of seven de Rolo children, Percy's family were the kind and just leaders of Whitestone, popular among local townsfolk despite their nobility. With The Legend of Vox Machina season 1 adapting Critical Role's Briarwood arc, Percy de Rolo's backstory will be covered in considerably more detail than his Vox Machina companions. As told in Vox Machina: Origins, an adult Grog later left the Trickfoots to become a mercenary, where he met future comrades Scanlan, Vex'ahlia, and Vax'ildan. Wilhand returned the favor by sending his great-great-granddaughter, Pike, to heal Grog's wounds and bring him to their home. He spoke out against the herd's assault on a frail, elderly gnome (Wilhand Trickfoot), and got badly beaten and banished in return. Grog was perfectly suited to this lifestyle, and enjoyed the constant physical challenge of fighting other Goliaths in the herd to prove his strength, but whereas the Herd of Storms was happy to decimate targets weaker than themselves, Grog Strongjaw found a conscience somewhere inside that massive skull. Grog was born into his Uncle Kevdak's Herd of Storms - a nomadic group following a warrior culture of violence and honor, but frequently attacking passers-by and vulnerable settlements. The Legend of Vox Machina's resident tank, Grog Strongjaw belongs to the Goliath race, distantly descended from giants of ancient times.

Captured by the bandits herself, Vex mercy-killed Trinket's mother, before noticing the young baby hiding nearby and adopting it as her companion. Vex also comes accompanied by a bear called Trinket, who she saved as a cub from poachers. Vax throws enchanted daggers that return to his hand after striking - a skill he learned from Tharendril while living in Syngorn.

As rangers are wont to do, Vex wields a bow and arrow. Vex became a ranger, more attuned to tracking and hunting, whilst also absorbing as much dragon lore as possible so the siblings might one day take revenge upon the beast responsible for their mother's death. Vax became a rogue, proficient at stealth, sleight of hand, and trickery. When The Legend of Vox Machina starts, the twins are around 27/28 years-old.ĭespite sharing an origin, Vex'ahlia and Vax'ildan boast very different skill sets. Isolated from both sides of their heritage, Vex and Vax became nomads, traveling around picking up mercenary work, but always remaining loyal to each other. Tragically, their mother had died at the hands (or, more likely, the mouth) of a dragon in their absence. Due to their mixed heritage, Vex and Vax found themselves rather unwelcome among their father's kin, and eventually opted to return home. Born to a human mother and an elven ambassador father, Vex and Vax (Vex is the female if, like Scanlan, you can't tell which is which) lived a humble life in the world of men, before the twins' father summoned them to the elf city of Syngorn aged 10. As twin siblings, Vex'ahlia and Vax'ildan share a common origin story in Critical Role's mythology.